

Tips for food industry workplaces to discuss risks of digitalization


Finnish Food Workers’ Union (SEL) has listed possible risks for advanced digitalization in food industry work. These tips are intended for food sector workplaces to help discussing what changes advanced digitalization might bring to work, what are the risks and benefits of advanced digitalization, and how to prepare for these changes.

Examples of risks listed are: increasing phase of work, machines not being interactive enough and taking in to account different human reactions, fast phase of transformations in work processes and difficulties in adjusting to new advanced technology at work, need to continuously learn new skills but perhaps not having enough time, loss of privacy, difficulties in setting limits to work communications when not at work, etc.

These tips for discussions at workplaces are part of the SEL's activities on the European Week for Safety and Health at Work 2023. The tips are available online in Finnish and Swedish. For more information on the Finnish Food Worker's Union see their home page in English.